Pearlescent Poems # 4: Azure Adolescence

My son has just arrived! My joy and vitality.

A blessing Marcello is, such labor ends in finality.
Harmony's a big sister now, sweet and kind to her sibling

The whole experience is so new for us, no distractions or dull quibbling

A role model for my son, without a doubt I must strive

A male leader, a father figure, a consoling soul's within my drive
Disappointment, I must avoid, yet failure is much inevitable

Mistakes will be made, but the outcome's more incredible

Everything's a learning process, I take serious this life at hand

Cradling his precious body, demands me to understand
Fragility, parent-dependent, these words written, have only surface grazed

Just be there, consistent, loving, dedicated, no need for praise

I look back at my childhood from the depths of my adult essence

How I move forward now, it's up to me if it adds or lessens
I admire at my son's beauty, his Azure Adolescence

Every decision from here on counts, it's a sure Adult Lesson...

All Gifs used from

Thank you for reading my poem in its entirety. Just wrote it the day after my son was born. Marcello was born 9:21 am September 27th Tuesday. Thank you all for all of your support. It feels great to be a father of two children now.

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