"The Cotton Mist" - "La Neblina de Algodon" by @yusaymon

Particles of a perfect garden, slept in your hair /
go down and went up, without stopping and without complexes /
They danced between your face, without knowing where to rest /
The cotton mist, she wanted to move /
she reveled in scrutinize slowly /
She was in charge of highlighting the days /
I played with the joy of our meeting /
the mist blind my way /
I discover approaching /
mist everywhere, you were mist /
you were my be... /

Image source:https://www.pinterest.com/explore/ideas-creativas-de-pintura/

Partículas de un jardín perfecto dormían en tus cabellos
bajaban y subían sin detenerse y sin complejos
Bailaban entre tu rostro, sin saber donde reposarse
La neblina de algodón, queria mudarse
Se deleitaba en escudriñarte lentamente
se encargaba de acentuar los dias
jugaba con la alegría, de nuestro encuentro
la neblina cegaba mi camino
descucri que se aproximaba
neblina por doquier, eras neblina
eras mi ser...

Poetry by @yusaymon

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