Guardian - Poetry Dice Entry Week 5

I see you, moon
shining into my room as you so often do..
waking me with gentle white light
for I was in shallow sleep tonight.
So I lay and admire the beautiful way
the moonlit curtains ripple and sway.

I glide to my window and slide it open
gazing down at the nights' town
from my high rise in the sky
and I sigh..
resting my elbows on the window sill
and still
I think of the one I love, tonight.

So I sink into a sweet reverie
imagining what we could have been,
yes we had ups and yes we had downs
our short life filled with laughs and frowns

I was content with this bittersweet mix
for me, my dear, boxes were ticked
the love, the hate, the flame, the fire
we could not foresee what would transpire

but- these days I do not suffer, my love
I only retreat further into my shell
but the moon protects me from high above
My lunar guardian, I can tell

It shows me the right direction to go
even though (as you know)
I don't always listen -
my mind is split like colours through a prism

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