Fruit Roll-Ups (original poetry) (@robyneggs Poetry Dice Challenge 3000 - Week 4)

I was walking through the forest the other day,
It felt like I was being followed the entire way.
Looking around I spot my homey Big Whale,
I was like, "What up whale! You got a scale?"
He passed a joint, I grabbed it by the stinger,
He weighed up a bale of that Cali Nap Bringer.
I thanked my dude, for keeping kush on lock,
Handed back his joint then I checked the clock.
Wanted me to stay and smoke, I was too paranoid,
The bag didn't help, I wreaked of the cannabinoid.
Stepped off the path, found a grove of apple trees,
So I'm still here smoking, roll up and join me please.

Hopefully some of you get a kick out of my rendition this week. I like these dice a lot! I went for hard mode and I'm certain I got at least three pot references in there. Check the link below and enter too! Namaste.


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