Poetry Dice Entry: Everything Transforms

Everything Transforms.

We all wear masks.
When we realize this,
And begin finding the courage to take the masks off…
This is when we begin to truly transform.
You see the whole time you keep the mask on,
Covering up who you are,
You are just like the sheep…
You follow the herd.
You go with the grain,
And your voice is never heard.
Why not try re-rolling the dice of life and try something new.
Try your best to just be…
Because there’s a big question mark behind that too…
It follows the big life question of…
Sunlight can transform rain into something visually spectacular.
Even on the greyest of days, rainbows can chase the sadness away.
They transform the scene just by simply being present.
They are a present.
A gift.
If you remove your mask you may be surprised at the true beauty that lies beneath when you finally look in the mirror and begin to see who you truly are.
When you give yourself the gift of being seen.
See most people are just sleeping.
Seemingly peacefully slumbering as they fumble through life,
Dependent upon the walking stick that is their ego to lean on,
To help get them through each day.
Letting their ego be the one to tell them what to do or what to say.
No calculator can really calculate the damage that we do to ourselves in this way.
Made-up stories,
The damage we do to ourselves is absurd.
We have to try our best to break free from just…
Following the herd.
Don’t follow the herd.
Because you have your own path to walk.
Apples will always fall to the ground.
So it follows that,
Sometimes we will all fall down.
But apples always get picked up again too.
Go back in time a little.
Those apples transformed from a seed,
We know this is true.
From a seed,
To a tree,
To a flower,
And eventually,
They transform into you.
Everything changes.
Energy only ever changes form.
The fruits that you eat become the body you inhabit.
So form good habits.
Look after yourself well.
Love yourself.
Care for yourself.
Only then may you truly care for others,
And be part of the transformations in their lives too,
As they see the beauty that shines in your eyes,
And are reminded to remove their mask,
So they can finally enjoy the view.


My entry to the #poetrydice contest. Thanks so much to @robyneggs and @rensoul17 for creating this awesome contest and getting me inspired to write something completely different that I would never have come up with otherwise!

If you want to take part in this too then go check out the original post HERE.

Thanks for reading!

With love
Hart Floe

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