Poetry Dice Challenge - Week 5 Entry


Moonlight streams through a window
bathing my sleeping body with its glow
as the curtain rises on the theatre of my mind.
I am the principal of the performance
where familiar and surreal combine
in harmonious disorder.
No building houses the stage
as the scene opens around a fire
burning in the dead of night
shadows dance and entertain
the illusionaries of the circle.
A bear wanders out of the darkness
and shares with us a sad story
of lost berries on the ponds shore
I walk with him to that place
The path breaks to the beach
the ocean laps lackadaisically
leaving rainbow streaks in the sand
Where is the bear? Was there a bear?
A sea turtle rises from a puddle
and asks if I need to get to the island
I accept a ride and sit in the shell seat
We flow forward on the waters
he humming a soft melodious lullaby
that will carry me back to wake.
I rise. Traces of recollection fade
slipping behind my consciousness.

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