Normal is Boring (Poetry Dice Challenge 3000 [PDC3K] - Week 5 by @robyneggs) entry #1

Here it is!! This is something I look forward to every week. :) 

Poetry Dice Challenge 3000 [PDC3K]  by @robyneggs!

Thanks @robyneggs for this interesting weekly challenge. ^^

Here's my entry for Week 5. 


Normal is Boring 

When a magical arrow hits the moon

Fire is ignited on a sleepy loon

His life which once resembled a turtle's

Was transformed like normal mortals

Sadly, his life became a mess.. he frowned

Constantly wearing a mask; an idea dawned

Living normally.. it ain't rainbow and cloud

He moved up a building and sighed out loud



There you have it! My entry for this week. :) 

I personally think that being normal is boring...

I mean, we don't have to follow a certain crowd to be accepted.

Let's be ourselves! We might be "weird" from others' eyes...

Just let them be... ^^ I believe, there's always a place for us!

Luckily, I've found my place... I have people around me who accepts my craziness. ^^

Well, they don't only accept, but share the same craziness with me. :D 


Thanks for dropping by!

Love lots, @tegoshei

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