Poetry Dice Challenge 3000 - Week 3: You had long hair up to the sky


You had long hair up to the sky
He hung from him on the ground
I was thinking of comforting your holy body
Blow my breasts to ask you

You had long hair up to the sky
He hung from him on the ground
I was thinking of comforting your holy body
Blow my breasts to ask you

Closed thighs to bowl
Let them be amazed at what whiteness they are
Just with the lily of a lily
To bend them kneeling
And then the butterflies will loose

Taken afternoon and wind
You had long hair up to the sky
Hanging up on the ground ...

This is my entry for @robyneggs DQmP59MhAbtYUdY833b5RS62zD6swDNKR4RqAwBTVyDBJoN_1680x8400.jpg I said to come in this challenge because I have nothing to lose, my first creation is a love poem. Thank you for your support

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