When Human Meets Reality - ® Poetry

If you are having difficulty with the image, here is a separate poem without the image just in case. :)

® Let's cross the bridge of reality
Where the magic flows abundantly
The land of hope and dreams are there
Giving us joy day by day.

At the entrance of the groove,
Stood a big fountain
Fountain that gives youth forever
That has equally given free to all.

There you can see fertile land
Enough to feed famine or starve
No hungry kids, too sick and crying
Prosper in every desires.

All goes wealthy everywhere
But something's not right in some way
Feelings are always joy and happiness
They forget how to cry in human way

So they don't care with each other
They live by what their hearts complain
There seems lack of true love to tell
It is the nature that needs to sustain ®

Peace! ®

Bridge image source: https://diasp.org/camo

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