Poetry Slam Challenge 4: (Self Determination) - Original Poem

There comes a time when each of us must step out on a limb and choose to live our own lives.  My 1st entry into the Steemit Poetry Challenge 4 is titled Self Determination.

Life is a journey; Steemit and even this poem is part of mine.  Thanks for reading!

Self Determination  


I’m standing on the precipice of fate 

Fate is not real is what I’m told 

Told to be myself and decide what I choose 

Choose to be free and not a slave   

Ignorance is bliss 

Bliss, a state of perfect happiness 

Happiness is a virtue 

Virtue stemming from faith 

Faith in yourself is all you require 

Require that happiness enter your life   

Be the change you want to see 

See for yourself not what is on TV 

TV may as well be called Thought Violation 

Violation of the mind corrupting your innocence 

Innocence once lost but yours to be regained   

Fight for your salvation 

Salvation from the tyranny of mental corruption 

Corruption is commerce in today’s economy 

Economy of scale oppresses the people 

People are meant to be free 

Free your mind and be happy finally     

Free In Thought, 2016

If you like my work please be sure to UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW me and check out my other contributions at @freeinthought. Thanks for stopping by!  All photographs used are original works taken by myself. 

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