Poetry Slam Challenge #3: The Mark of Cain

This is my entry for the Poetry Slam Challenge #3, subject being Acrostic poetry.

Details can be found at the following post (link).

The Mark of Cain

Not that I am one to brag, but mine's a tale that must be told

As legend has preceded me, when I was born I broke the mould

Queens have sat before my feet, Kings have thrown me all their gold

Understand that this is who I am, I will never come in from the cold

Of curses known I bear them all, my soul is marked with stains

You will cower at the thought of me for I am a bringer of so much pain

Abel is this cross I bear as I walk the path of Cain

All photos are from my own collection.


Thank you for taking the time to read this poetry. If you liked it please give an upvote, and feel free to leave a comment. I try to respond to all comments. To stay up to date with new releases you may follow me at @naquoya where you will also find my earlier works. I write fiction, concentrating on SciFi, Fantasy, Horror from the Psychological end of the spectrum.I also write poetry, with the occasional article or essay on topics of interest.  

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