Poetry Slam Challenge 4: On a Day like This.

On a day like this I want to flee,
flee down the road and far away,
away from the noise of the yobs and boyz,
boyz who shout and break their toys.

On a day like this I feel so blue,
blue and depressed, depressed right through,
through to that place of inner quiet,
quiet now disturbed by the boyz and their riot.

On a day like this I nearly scream,
scream of the hurt and the broken dreams,
dreams that were so bright and full of hope,
hope now tangled, tied in rotten rope.

On a day like this I need to find some words
words for a poem that just might be heard,
heard by the boyz in the middle of their riot:
Riot fade away, I say, please give me my quiet.


The poem and the picture my own work.

Thank you for reading @richardjuckes

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