Poetry Slam Challenge # 6 Sky's The Limit Entry: Invaluable Investment (Original Poem)

Stop saying what you can't, or what you wouldn't with your bored self
You change levels, but same place, a wooden board shelf
Harboring negativities will only anchor you down
Then you drag along the bottom, threads at the ankles of gowns

Lower frequencies affect the inner water of us
70% of fluid being, fused adrenaline rush

So we need more positivity to trigger reactions
To fuel what will push us forward in the moments for traction

The momentum of life is never ending its spin
And the rotation of the soul is swirling truly within
So when you intertwine the two with the percussion of heart

You'll escape the cold world open minded, break walls apart

When the act of generosity's something selfless and kind,
Why do we alienate the love we're supposed to give to our kind?

Why is it difficult to listen and practice patience when tested?
Self growth is most invaluable, where most our time is invested

Thank you for reading this poem in its entirety and thank you again for @prufarchy for continually putting forth effort for us all to enjoy this creative community in the expressive art form of poetry. The form of this poem is a sixteen line verse, four stanzas or in Hip Hop terms a sixteen bar verse. I just love the structure and it keeps my mind sharp for when I make songs. It's better to first and foremost love, teach and respect yourself so you can better love, teach and respect those around you. Best of luck to everyone's entries.

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