SPU Poetry Contest #1: The process of writing a love letter

The process of writing a love letter

Emotions melt into words that pour out across pages
Empty white canvases finding reason to exist
Passionate once again after ages of solitude
Eagerly holding onto hopes of reply
The scratching of the pen breaking the comfortably eery silence
Diced in the dotting of i’s and the crossing of t’s
Becoming less complacent with every line

Ink and graphite and lead and text
Leaping from fingertips and quills and ballpoints of dusty drawers
Leaving no time to decipher the emotional overload
Until its existence is undone

Words dance on the tip of the tongue
Begging to be unleashed on eager eyes
To be spoken aloud
Awaken complacent bones
To infiltrate hearts
Eradicate apprehensions
And the emotional and geographical distance that lies in between
All unseen

The phonetics expressed emphasized themselves medium across medium
Gasping for outlet
And poems became letters and letters became songs
Each one a labor of love
Words dangling that the mouth dare not allow

My throat, a dam
Passing droplets while gushing waters attempt to overflow
My tongue, a straightjacket
Twisting arms and disorienting limbs

But words written spill easily in blank space
Exposing those letters locked in a dark tower of chaotic thought
Intent on extracting the utmost emotional endeavors of all that is you
Sometimes seeking love
Sometimes forgiveness
Emoting fear and insecurities at the apex
Waiting to tip the scale past my comfort zone

When the last i’s are dotted and the last t’s crossed
The heart beats stop
Awaiting response from the muse that started it all
That so calmly ignites the fuse of written rapid fire

The return was fleeting, fighting,
Abusing the useless attempts to reconcile a love long overdue
And two remains ones
Impaired by the distance
That one letter must travel
To find its way home to you


2014-10-16 13.16.28-1 copyletter22.jpg

Many thanks to @poetrybyjeremy for sponsoring this Poetry Contest! This poem was inspired by the essence of A Birthday Limerick, by @madevi although creating another world from it that plays on the impact and constant forces at play in our minds:

life's wind in my head,
it refuses to play dead
and keeps resisting the forces of changing

All artwork and writings are my own. The image is a assemblage of actual love letters collaged and overlaid at varying scales, opacities, and saturation levels.

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