SPU Poetry Contest #1: THE BRINK

Semyaza stood upon the edge of the crevasse.
Archangel of battle. Soldier of God.
The war at its conclusion.
The armies of Lucifer driven into the abyss.
Blood covered his blade, his face, his wings.

Semyaza heard the righteous voice of God.
“Return, my warrior, with your brothers to heaven.
There we shall hold a celebration.
Many are the tasks before us.
Our enemy is defeated.”

Semyaza gazed down into the abyss.
Dark shapes writhed below him,
Whispering vile words and sharing ugly grins.
Semyaza clenched his teeth and answered God.
“One of us must remain.”

Semyaza launched from the ledge.
He spiraled down, illuminating the strata of the hells.
Then plunging. Then diving. A streak of purest light.
He landed at the bottom of the pit
Surrounded by the enemies of God.

Defiant in his rage, he resumed his everlasting war,
And the light of heaven disappeared above.
And darkness fell upon him.

Inspired by:

"If I only had a match to light
and see where I am now
wrong side of heaven
or righteous
depth of
hell?" - from the poem LOST, by @lymepoet.


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