SPU Poetry Contest #1: The More Than This

This is my entry for the SPU Poetry Contest #1: Announcement!, hosted by @poetrybyjeremy.

This Poetry Contest uses the Steemit poets’ poems for the prompt. We are given three different lines from different Steemit poets for inspiration. Here are the poem lines I chose to write my poem. I thought they were very unique lines.

LOST -Poem @lymepoet

if I only had a match to light
and see where I am now
wrong side of heaven
or righteous
depth of


The More than This

The fog rolled in; the hills were hidden, like in a dream.
The music became louder; faster than the flowing streams.
I was taken from all I knew; to see friends nevermore.
To chase beauty, I’d never seen and find treasures I would adore.

But the soothing rain never fell, and the land became decayed.
And then the sun scorched the trees, and the hills were filled with flames.
The people cried, and they could not find their fill.
The thirst for the more than this, and the promises of never will.

The grateful ones were the simple kind, never asking for their share.
Desolation covered the streets and the shame escaped their care.
We waited for the guiding light; if only a candle in the wind.
But before the light came the flood, and then their prayers chimed in.

We watched as the land fell into the sea, and we heard the horrid tales,
Of those who couldn’t take a breath and were eaten by the whales.
And darkness spread across the globe, from one land to the next.
I shook my head; I had to laugh, as I took my final breath.


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