SPU Poetry Contest #4: Witch Prey

This is my entry for Week 4 of the Steemit Poets United contest. This piece is perhaps sexually suggestive, but not explicit.

I am writing off the following theme and image:
“witch hunt”
image source

Witch Prey

my quest now ended
here lay my quarry
i stood in ready stance
she rose unhurried
wrapped brown flesh in leopard pelt
fell lazy forward
crouched four-footed
caught by her golden gaze
i dropped my spear
we both were changed
i witched
her wicked
mother’s words cried in my head
but i’ve never done as bid
and so sure i knew this great cat
i followed where she led
lithe sway the spell that snared my mind
a siren’s call to cavern dark
the mountain’s heart her winter home
there piled furs cradled me down
her shadowed bulk swooped in
breathed copper warmth across my throat
teeth dragged delicate on my skin
i shuddered and clung to her muscled frame
and did not think of my husband
as she kissed and caressed my scars
tongue lapping each mark
until at last i came undone
she purred pleasure at my surrender
so overcome i never wondered
which of us was prey
and which one was the hunter

3 columns
2 columns
1 column