Poker: Few important things you should know when playing!

The poker! 

How many memories bring this game of cards of chance. Especially those memories of when I was younger and my brother was just meeting him, I was so excited to play with someone else while I was in the house that he had to teach his little sister, or me, the basic rules to learn how to play it. What he did not expect is that I would become a great opponent for him and the vast majority of games I won until one day I get to say "when you are of legal age I take you with me, you are too lucky!".

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Do you know the basic rules of poker?

Well, that's the most important thing you have to know before you start playing. But do not fear, I will gladly make a summary of these rules that you have to know and that you have to use when the day comes that you decide to put them into practice with a deck of cards.

The rules may seem complicated, but when you play more and more and you get used to these, you will realize that they are easier than they seem.

Now I will tell you the basic rules when playing "Texas Hold'em" (which among all the poker modes that exist, this is the most played), I will tell you what each player will do and how the bets are placed.

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First of all, there always has to be a player who is the "Dealer" this will have the role of dealer. To change this position will be moving in a clockwise direction. With the "Dealer" we can know the order in which they are going to be making the bets.

There is a type of bet that is "obligatory" or also known as "blind", these have to be placed before seeing the cards, this is to ensure that there is always a pot to win.

Besides, there are two types of blinds, the "small blind" that is the one that places the player to the left of the dealer, and the "big blind" that places the player to the left of the one who performs the "small blind" ( The big blind is always twice as big as the little one).

Already with those bets placed, two cards are dealt with the players so that each one sees their own cards, and after this is that the bets come and the first one that starts with that is the player that is to the left of the one that made The "big blind".

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Players can then decide what to do, whether to spend without having to raise the amount of the table, whether to increase the amount that is already on the table, whether to equalize the increase they have made or to withdraw.

After that betting round, three cards are placed on the table, and other bets start, and they remain so until there are 5 cards on the table and the remaining players uncover their cards and look for the winner.


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