Poker tournament hand analysis

appreciate any feedback on the following hand, a $2000 buy in tournament

Level 9

Hero Stack: $64,000
Villain 1 Stack: $75,000
Viallin 2 Stack: $44,000

Only played 2 levels at this table but Villain 1 has been fairly active - opening 1-2 times per orbit. Villain 2 seems generic LAG internet kid.

Villain 1 UTG+2 raises to 3500
Hero on button with Qh9h - calls 3500
Villain 2 in Big Blind calls

Flop: Qc8h3h

BB checks
Villain 2 bets 4,000
Hero raises 11,000
Villain 2 folds
Villain 2 goes all-in

I ended up calling all-in. He showed AhQs and the turn and river bricked and I was out.

I'm ok with the call on the button as he was fairly loose but I'm rethinking the flop raise and call. Should I just call the flop and see what develops.

At the time I thought a re-raise might get him off a few better hands like Q10, Q9 and possibly KQ.

After he went all-in my thinking was that if he had AA or KK I was priced in as I had 13 or 14 outs (depending on whether he had a heart). If he had AQ I still had 12 outs. A set was possible though I obviously have the blocker for the queens. Possibly this is a situation where it may be mathematically correct to call in a cash game but in a tournament situation should just fold and wait for a better spot?

Any thoughts and feedback welcome.


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