If Your Hole Cards Were A Plate Of Food - What Would They Be?! - AFT Segment - Lucksacks Poker


Poker & Food

When you think about poker, you may not necessarily think about food. However, countless number of home poker games involve food. I remember the times of playing a weekly 1/2 NL Holdem cash game once a week, and everyone who came would always be interested in food. Sometimes we would order out, sometimes I would bring some homemade goodies for the group, and sometimes other players would bring munchies.

Even at casinos, poker rooms usually have their own exclusive menu. You've seen it, people place the order, then the waiter/waitress brings out a table, and the person is eating a club sandwich, or Chinese fried rice, while you are waiting for AA. You know you be looking at what they are eating...and who can blame you, poker is a game of hours, and in those hours, there isn't always time to eat.

Humans love to gamble. And humans love to eat. So why not combine the two?!

Would You Eat Your Hand?

As a Lucksacks AFT segment, we will be sharing with you some simple recipes that you can whip up before your poker game. Whether you're playing at home, online, or maybe even anal enough to take your food to the casino (D.N. does it all the time), these dishes will surely bring you some happiness, even if your poker session doesn't...

Today's Starting Hand

'Suited Connectors' My favorite sneaky hand.

Suited connectors were intended to bring the gambling aspect to poker. The beautiful look to something like a 56 of diamonds, or 34 of spades. Just knowing you shouldn't be in the hand really, but the chance to bust someone is pulling at your heart strings. To have the feeling of someone else's soul in your hand when they are shoving into your nut straight flush. Makes me feel all special inside.

Today's Dish

Meatball Surprise: cheese stuffed giant balls of meat, served with a lusciously thick and rich pasta sauce. Everyone loves spaghetti and meatballs. A go to meal for many, especially in their childhood before they developed a more mature palate. This spaghetti and meatball dish takes it up a level by adding the stuffed cheese element, a special surprise if you will. Serve this to your guest, and they will never suspect a thing...

Wait, how is Meatball Surprise and 'suited connectors' the same thing?? Let me tell you...

  • Like I said, no one will see it coming. A total blindside. A pleasant one with the food mind you, not so much with the poker hand.
  • When you finally see the gooeyness of the stuffed cheese, or the suited connector hits, you feel all special and tingly inside.
  • Suited connectors is a bad idea. Yes when it pays off there is glory, but eventually you'll pay for it later. No different than Meatball Surprise. It's totally a bad idea, but when you taste it, you feel the same glory. And you will pay for it later all the same.


  • San Marzano tomatoes (large can)
  • Med size white onion
  • 1 stick butter
  • Ground beef
  • Ground pork (my secret ingredient is spicy Italian sausage)
  • 1 egg
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Red chili flakes
  • Garlic powder
  • Dried oregano
  • Bread crumbs
  • Very little milk
  • Fresh ground black pepper
  • Sea salt
  • Provolone or Mozzarella
  • Fresh basil leaves
  • Your favorite pasta

Tomato sauce: This is the famous Marcella Hazan's sauce recipe. It is simple, rich, and delicious. No frills, just straight Italian marinara with a French influence. Take a pot, throw in a stick of butter, cut an onion in half and toss that in, finally add the can of tomatoes. Cover and simmer till onion is fully soft - about 30 mins. Allow to cool. Blend, add sea salt to taste.

Meatballs: Combine meat, spices, milk, egg, and bread crumbs. Mix until just comes together. Make sure not to over mix or they will get tough. Form big ass round balls, then make a thumb sized divot in the middle. Add chopped provolone to the center, and close ball in around it. Pinch together to close. Cook meatballs over med/low heat till cooked through. About 10-12 mins. Add sauce, cook for few mins, and done...Serve with pasta, basil, and additional parm. Of course, some garlic bread if you're in the mood to be a fatty.

If anyone would like precise measurements, please don't hesitate to ask.


Prep prep. Never use anything other than San Marzano when making any kind of pasta/pizza sauce.

Easy peasy, yummy, and cheesy.

Balls of meat about to be formin.

Divot, divot, divotttt. (Not onions, I promise. It's cheese.)

Great meatballssss of fire.

Cool that bitch down before putting it into the blender, or you will have to start over...trust me.

THIS is where the love happens.

Bon appetite.

Till next time, this has been a Lucksacks Poker 'away from table' segment.

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