Free to join. Free to play. Come sign up and win some SBD!
New Account
Announcing the Steemit Poker League's new account @spl.
All future post concerning The League will be made from this account. Please follow @spl if you are interested in the Steemit Poker League. No further post will come from the @tuck-fheman account on The League, other than reblogs to make sure interested parties migrate over to following @spl.
Next League Game
Some people are asking where the 7/1 game is, why they can't sign up. Due to the number of AFK players in the previous two League Tournaments we've decided to only allow entry into the tournament 4 hours before it starts, which is 12PM CDT on 7/1.
This should cut down considerably on the number of AFK players which continue handing their chip stacks to a few lucky players giving them a huge advantage over everyone else that's having to fight other players for chips. In both tournaments so far, one of the professionals has been handed at least 3 chip stacks to start the tourney due to AFK players that signed up early then never showed up to play.
AFK'rs Beware
We are keeping a list of the players who repeatedly don't show up for tournaments and will be removing them upon the 3rd instance. Hopefully this will eventually reduce the number of AFK players to a minimum if not remedy the situation completely.
Slowly we are building a good core group of players who are always ready to play a game at a moments notice and even more that can play at least once a day. Over time this should build up to where we are able to consistently a full ring at minimum ready to play at any time and hopefully several tables.
Pro League
The Pro League now has 40 members, which leaves only 10 spots left. We will be removing a few players who have signed up and have not played to date once they miss 3 games, which will allow some new players to step in and show us what they have.
Bluff Ave
Many players still have issues running PokerStars in their country so we have no plans on doing away with the Bluff Ave website, even if the Pro League becomes more popular. The Bluff Ave league will remain for anyone to play in at any time during the day with ongoing SNG Freerolls as long as we can support them and we will continue weekly League tourney's there as well.
However, in the future I anticipate that more people will enjoy playing on PokerStars and I will likely begin moving up the prize pool there and reducing the prize pool on the Bluff Ave games, unless we end up with more than enough posts rewards to go around. But, if things stand as they are, I expect to have to reduce tourney payouts over at bluff to accommodate a more vibrant PokerStars league (or two in the future).
Going Forward
We will need all members help!
Planning, making posts, creating graphics, making deals for graphics, stirring up interest, managing the games, the payouts, helping people in chat, discussing ideas ... all takes a lot of time and leaves very little time for @bigpchef and I to focus on playing poker ... and we LOVE playing poker!
So any help you can provide in the way of ...
- answering questions in chat
- answering comments on posts
- policing your table during games reporting AFK players & shenanigans.
- promoting The League to others
- and anything else you can think of
... would be greatly appreciated and upvoted!
BigP and I would like to say
Thanks to everyone that's joined up and played and especially thanks to those of you that have helped us build this league up from day 1 by playing and doing all of the things listed above without being asked!
@eirik, @kryptik, @chiefmappster, @guyfawkes4-20, @steeminator3000, @writingamigo, @ronahi and everyone else, thank you!