Free to join. Free to play. Come sign up and win some SBD!
When I saw the two Pro Players run over the field the other night on Bluff, I immediately knew that there may be a problem down the road. Players who are new to poker may find it a bit intimidating and unfair to have to compete against professional players that play tournaments hundreds of times a month and have trained themselves for one thing ... to take your money! :)
So BigP and I thought it would be a good idea to setup a 2nd League that consist of the two professional players that took 1st and 2nd in our first League tourney, as well as several other professional and semi-pro players, along with any others who have played poker for many years or just like a challenge.
We already have 15 players signed up at PokerStars who've been playing regularly with us over at Bluff. Things are going well, so we decided to go ahead and make a public announcement for others to join.
That all said, I'm not banning the pros from playing over at Bluff Ave, they are still welcome to play there if they like. My view is that it simply would be more enjoyable to more people if the more advanced and pro players moved to their own league, since there are many people new to the game that would like to join Bluff Ave, but may feel intimidated with so many skilled players to compete against.
This will give us a more laid back league for new players and an even more competitive league for long-time players and hopefully create a more fun atmosphere for both leagues and all involved.
Limited Spots
We are limited to 50 players in the league, so there are only 35 spots left.
Each player that applies will be screened carefully before being admitted. We are looking for people who are passionate about poker, play daily and just have a love for the game.
If that's you, then we'll know it by your blog here on Steemit and you'll be allowed in. :)
- Must have a Steemit Reputation above 40.
- Must have blogged about playing poker recently.
How To Join
Join one of our chat channels below.
And let us know you'd like to be a member of the Steemit Poker Pro League along with your @steemit-username so we can check out your blog. If you qualify you will be given the information needed to join up.
As we allow more players in we will reduce the requirements for entry. We want to be sure to get in as many pro/semi-pro players as we can at first, then we will lower the requirements to allow in others.
How Is This Legal?
We're using play money on PokerStars. You do not have to buyin with real money on PokerStars to play. There is a catch however. PokerStars really wants you to buy their play money chips, so they barely give you enough to get into a tournament by forcing the tournament fees to be 17,000+ minimum.
What this means is you need to go to the CASHIER and COLLECT some play chips every 4 hours (12500 chips) to play for free OR you can buy their play chips in the same area for a few bucks for a million or so play chips to enter freeroll tourneys.
You will win the play money in the tournament on PokerStars and win the designated SBD prize pool amount stated prior to the tournament.
Once we have the Pro League almost filled we will begin a 2nd series of tournaments with it's own Leaderboard and payouts separate from the current league over at Bluff. This could be any day now, so hurry up and get into one of our chat channels and apply for a seat at the Pro League tables today!
Logo by @ronahi.
Disclaimer : Anyone asking how to join in comments will not be accepted into the Pro League for obvious reasons. ;)