2 Months that changed UK politics. UK election result 7 days on.

On the 18th of May the British Prime Minister Theresa May called a snap election in yet another spectacular u-turn for her leadership. The Conservatives were out of sight in the polls and the Labour party still divided over their leader Jeremy Corbyn.
This was a move by May to totally wipe out any opposition in Westminster, another 5 years of Tory rule would forever change the UK.
The combined media attack dogs were unleashed to make personal attacks on the Labour leader and the predictions of a Labour wipe-out were every where you looked.

The Tories made one major error as they began their half arsed campaign of 'Strong and Stable leadership'

(image from Reuters)
Jeremy Corbyn and his team had been planning and were ready in case of a snap election being called and there isn't a better politician in the UK than Corbyn on the campaign trail.
When Corbyn holds a rally he draws a crowd like a rockstar and what he says is that he wants a country that works for everyone, his voting record backs him up.

Now when a politician speaks on an election trail they give promises that most voters shrug at, it's the news reports and front pages that make the difference if someone is unsure who to vote for. Those crowds were full of young people and they never vote so the election was in the bag for Theresa May.

(Media image)

This time though when people listened to Corbyn they believed him, he connects with the people like no other politician and as more people actually heard him and saw him the media title of 'unelectable' crumbled. When Labour released it's manifesto of hope, all fully costed the media went on full attack but the surge for Corbyn and Labour was on.

Meanwhile May gained the new title of MayBot for her robotic carefully managed appearances to Tory activists and the half arsed campaign delivered the worst manifesto of all time giving us the Dementia Tax, within a day she had to make yet another political u-turn on that.

As the polls came in the Tory lead was falling but those polls are edited to take out the youth vote and that of poor people and still the 'experts' claimed they were wrong.

Corbyn ran on a message of hope and people listened, his message was simple.


Now last week he didn't get the victory but increased Labour MP's by 30 and gained over 40% of the vote and handed a slap in the face to May as she saw the Conservative majority in Parliament wiped out. The election left us in the limbo of a hung Parliament and her risking the peace deal in Northern Ireland as she tries to get the DWP on her side. More important was the rejection of the media bias as people made up their own minds rather than trusting the scare stories in the newspapers and spouted by the BBC.
Since the election Labour have the lead over the Conservatives in the polls and even some media are admitting it's a case of when Corbyn will be Prime Minister. May is now on borrowed time and her political career is ruined as Conservative MP's and more importantly, voters know she is weak and feeble.

New Labour is dead, Austerity is dead and we now just wait for a fairer tomorrow once Corbyn enters number 10 Downing Steet.

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