UK election Result.

With only a few seats still to go what we have is political limbo with no party having enough MP's to command a majority.

When it comes to Brexit nagotiations the UK doesn't have a leg to stand on and Theresa May's gamble has backfired and left us with a possible delay on any talks and the 2 year countdown that was triggered when May triggered artical 50 still going.

The SNP talk of another Indyref opened the door for the Tories to cling to power with large gains in Scotland.

While Labour did far better than expected by the media the constant smears and media attacks put off enough people from voting for them so the Tories held marginal seats and have the most MP's.

Now the questions are:
How can the Tories continue in power?
How can Theresa May continue as Prime Minister?
When will we have another General Election?


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