Prime Minister Of New Zealand John Key Resigns Suddenly

Without warning, the public and some at the Bee Hive (New Zealand's Parliament) - Got a shock on Monday the 5/12/2016 to find out John Key the Prime Minister is Resigning.

(Picture Source)

As it goes in most Countries you either voted for the person to get in or not, and those that didn't vote for that person are super happy he's leaving and those that voted for him where shocked and some reduced to tears.
I didn't vote for him but was totally shocked he resigned and it's happening so fast which makes me think there's more too this.

With only a few days ago John Key hit the mile stone of being the Prime Minister of New Zealand for 8 Years and the National Leader for 10 years.

In his video  to why his is resigning Here he would like to spend some time with his wife and two kids, but also he thought it was important that we transition to a new leader, that the National party demonstrated that there is fresh thinking and ways of doing things and of course he wanted to go out on top to give that new leader the best chance they have leading the party hopefully to a victory for a fourth term or even beyond that.
He Thanked the New Zealand public for the support they have given him and the encouragement and how kind they have been on so many occasions and it has been a privilege and an honor to serve you as Prime Minister.

John Key also wrote on the beehive website here (this is a little of what he wrote below)
It is my expectation that on Monday 12 December National MPs will hold a special caucus meeting to select a new leader and later that day I will tender my resignation to the Governor-General.
Finally, while I intend to stay in Parliament long enough to avoid the cost and inconvenience a by-election would cause the good people of Helensville, I will at an appropriate time prior to the next election step down as an MP.On that day, I shall walk from these buildings for the last time, a richer person for the experience and privilege of being here, and hoping and believing that New Zealand has been well served by the Government I led.

What does this mean for New Zealand and the world - Why would John Key abounded the ship after all the spending the debt he has put New Zealand in and the rest...

What's your thoughts???

I don't normally touch politics, but thought this was too important not to share about our little Island so there's a first time for everything and here it was!

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