Nationalism in a global world doesn’t make sense.

Its’s a strange world. All over Europe and also in de U.S.A. rightwing politicians with strong nationalist feelings have louder voices. People hear them and vote for them.

What’s wrong? The whole word is united by social media and we can reach every (or almost every) corner in the word through the internet in a blink of an eye and fly everywhere in less than a day and yet!! We are afraid of different cultures and don’t trust people coming from other country’s than our own sort.


The world is safer than ever before (I don’t make that up, it’s a hard fact) and yet people are feeling insecure and frightened. We don’t trust our politicians, and that’s understandable because they promise a lot and deliver little.

It’s so easy to long for a strong man or woman who can change all that. A lot of people are doing just that without thinking of the consequences.

But, it’s very dangerous. There were a lot of strong men in history and it leads to a lot of trouble. Wars were made by strong men and their followers. And loving fathers and mothers who would do anything for their own children will ultimately kill other loving fathers and mothers and their children without remorse.

Is there nothing wrong in this world? Of course, there is much wrongdoing, there are wars, and refugees all over, people are murdered and raped and sometimes there are refugees who do that kind of things in a country where they are welcomed. Those people should be punished, just like everybody. But it’s no reason to forbid all refugees to come to your country, whatever belief or race they may have.

Will it come to a point where we hide ourselves behind our own borders and be happy? How can anybody be happy knowing that at the border there are desperate people, hoping to have a save life? To raise their children in peace, and have a normal life instead of a life in fear.


We can give a good example. Don’t mistrust everybody with a background you don’t know. Talk to them (a lot of them speak English), help someone in need. You can’t safe everybody, but it’s so rewarding to help somebody.

Steemians can take the lead. We ourselves are from different backgrounds, with different beliefs and opinions. We see it as an advantage. That’s the right spirit!!

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