Your 15 second guide to voting . . .

Firstly you cannot vote for any particular party. To just simply tick the box for the Republidiots or Demotards means you are assigning your vote (as insignificant as it is over to another person). That person is connected to a Professional Politician thus they are gutter trash.

The United States of America is full of decent, honest hard working, loyal, patriotic people, then you have drug dealers, pawn stars and politicians . . . The people who make songs about hate or shooting teachers or other anti social behavior are most likely those with such a shady past they could not qualify into politics. However these people are still to dysfunctional to hold a j-o-b . . .

This election has made me want to be a better person, the media claims of stories were such amazing fabrications of fiction it almost makes Star Wars and Star Trek realistic in comparison. Firstly the first amendment says any fool can publish anything. In today's world being a journalist means taking a company's press release and rewriting it to make it look like investigative journalism. Lastly the central ownership of media means these companies do not care about quality control of story's but rather advertising dollars.

I do want to be better and healthier; I want to ensure I live up to the next presidential election and see how crazy that election gets : ) Did anyone read the story about Donald Chump ? He apparently has a 'secret' hotline to the Kremlin where he gets his orders from the Russian President Putin. This ultra secret carefully disguised spy tool was only uncovered by the skill of government workers ONE WEEK BEFORE THE ELECTION LOL... Now Donald might be a lot of things but a traitor? this spin doctor has managed to go bankrupt six times and become a multimillionaire, he has become a household name and world class iconic figure. At the ripe old age of 72 after decades of profitable business deals why would a rich weirdo risk a felony jail term to commit treason for Russia, why so his legacy could be branded like Benedict Arnold ? Think about it, if a government employee actually has skills then they would not be working for the government. That in itself shows the story is ridiculous.

There is a reason for the term " good enough for government work " like that the election is rigged with those opened electoral ballots in Florida. That is not some crazy conspiracy to hurt Trump that is government workers not having a clue on how to do their jobs. There are reasons these people work for the government and on that list of reasons the word ' competent ' does not appear. The media needs to up-sell this electoral contest since advertising means more dividends to shareholders . . .


So if your not sure, when you vote simply elect an honest person into Congress. Since ten honest people in Congress will not have any impact out of four hundred Representatives you may as well elect someone honest or choose to tell your sitting Congressional Representative " You're Fired ! ! ! " . Cycling new faces through Congress means lobbyists waste their " contributions" since that Representative is not there long enough to fully return the ' favors' in governmental contracts . . .

The more congressional Representatives are recycled the less incentive people will have to invest in manipulating the electoral process. Sure we will not get rid of all the crooks or even half of them but we will make a start of cleaning out some vermin from the government gene pool; AND THAT is worth voting for !!!

So show some Patriotism and dispose of a professional scum bag today, remove them from your country's governmental processes. The definition is a lawyer in Congress (Congress Representatives are over 40 % lawyers by number) is simply a failed attorney who could not get their billing practices correct . . .

Do yourself a favor and use " your once every four years the government asks your opinion on something " chance to kick a few rodents and crate a lot of work for political commentators in the next few years, after all the economy certainly needs you helping create jobs ! ! !

The Professional Politician is simply something that is to dysfunctional to have a boss, to lazy to hold a job and to cowardly to launch a start up company with their own trust fund baby bank accounts. These cretins would rather you pay for their five thousand dollar suits and 500 dollar haircuts, simply tell them NO ; " You're Fired ! ! ! " . . .

Thank You Pixabay for the images.

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