US Used Depleted Uranium In Syria

U.S. officials assured us numerous times that they wouldn't be using any depleted uranium weapons during their conflict overseas in Syria.

Well, that's turned out to be a lie. They did use depleted uranium, by firing over 5,000+ rounds that contained it, into the territory of Syria.

They've left their garbage not only in Syria, but in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places too, because of their endless efforts to “spread democracy” (drop bombs on people) and police the world.

A number of studies have demonstrated that depleted uranium (DU) is a harmful substance, especially when the dust gets inhaled by the victim. At the moment, there isn't any Geneva Convention which strictly bans DU weapons, but they are illegal under the 1907 Hague Convention. The DU weapons are radioactive and they are considered to be poisonous and chemically toxic. Using these sorts of weapons is considered to be a war crime.

Decades Of ENDLESS War

Let us never forget that a number of their military conflicts overseas are unjust and unconstitutional, in violation of not only US law but also international law as well. The American people are suffering by destroying their families, their economy, and eroding their civil liberties and overall quality of their lives; because of their obsession with chasing ghosts.

Trillions Wasted

There are countless innocent individuals who continue to suffer as a consequence of the misguided, corrupt, and blood-thirsty foreign policy of the United States. When is enough, enough?

Well, we know that these wars have no clear end objective, they're happy to continue them (on credit) for as long as it takes. Never pausing to consider the efficiency of their efforts and the impact their actions have on the world in a variety of areas.

Endless wars are certainly not the way that a nation makes itself strong and we can see that the U.S. certainly isn't. And it is the innocent at large who must continue to endure the risks/consequences from policies enacted by psychopaths.



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