Who am I? The politics version...

I guess people have been recommending me as someone to follow for political commentary. First I want to say thank you for the recommendations. Second thank you to those of you that followed that recommendation. I tend to write whatever I am inspired to write about at any given moment. My most common topic these days is likely philosophy, though I do tend to also stray into politics and many other areas.

The funny thing about politics is I don't affiliate with left, or right. I view myself as an individual, and I am very much a voluntaryist. Ultimately I'd like to see humanity strive to a point where we no longer need this thing called government. I am a realist and I do not believe we could flip a switch and make anything like that happen today. I know just by looking around that the vast majority of the population could not handle it. It would implode upon itself. This I believe is actually true of any "utopian" type ideal. They sound great when bantered about in discussion, or when written down. Then when they are put into practice this pesky thing called human nature kicks in and the fact that we all have different minds and believe different things.

For no government to work I do believe we are at a point where we could build the technological tools to make that feasible. It is totally doable from the technological point of view. It is the people that are the problem. Most of the population has heard the phrase "critical thinking" but in practice they clearly have no actual clue what it is or how it works. I believe having a population that the majority are well versed in critical thinking is extremely important for any utopian type ideas to work. Thus, one of my personal goals is that I put a lot of emphasis on critical thinking in my writings. I do not profess to be an expert at critical thinking, as I see it as something we can continually improve but never truly master. So I am constantly trying to get better at it myself. I make mistakes as well. That brings me to a second thing society as a whole needs to relearn how to do.

People need to be willing to admit their mistakes, take responsibility, and also realize that mistakes are part of reality they are not always a bad thing. They are opportunities to learn. In this day and age we are trying to push more and more of our own responsibilities onto government which is an insane thing to do. There are many people who will never admit when they are wrong, they somehow manage to point out a scapegoat for each and every negative thing they experience in their life. It is never them. This mentality is a sickness and is bad for any productive society. It would need to go. Solving the problem with critical thinking deficit would likely resolve that particular issue fairly quickly.

Right now we live in a world where it is clear that emotions and how a person feels is more important than FACTS and REASON. People base truth on feelings and emotions. It is worse though as people are manipulated by their emotions and feelings.

Now I am going to dive into some politics...

I do not consider myself a Trump supporter. I was not a Hillary fan. I did too much research on her and would have voted for a random WOMAN off of the street before I voted for her. I voted third party anywhere I could and anywhere Libertarian was an option that is what I voted. Now as a professed anarcho-capitalist this may not make much sense. Like I said above you can't flip a switch and have it work. I believe it is a long term goal and I work towards that. Myself and many Anarcho-capitalists/voluntaryists came to this ideology by passing through Libertarianism. It is the closest to our ideology that still maintains a government. Thus, though I want it gone, I do live in reality and I have first hand experienced that voting can very much impact my life and that of my family. This is especially true on the local level.

I long ago decided that if the media was pushing particular candidates then that was likely a status quo candidate and not whom I should vote for. I mean why should we keep doing status quo if we think there are problems. We should be trying new things and learning from both the positive and negative things that occur from our choices. Instead emotions come into play again and feelings and they have most of the population terrified to stray from the status quo.

This brings up another thing that I've spoken about WORDS. Prior to Trump being elected people were terrified and panicing and going nuts over things he SAID. They were WORDS. While across the aisle the Lawyer that is Clinton holds a great deal of responsibility for a lot of actual deaths, corruption, etc. For me ACTIONS are what matter not WORDS.

I made a mistake in 2008 when I for the last time EVER fell for the "Lesser of two evils" line and voted for Obama. I was a Ron Paul supporter, but when Dr. Paul dropped out of the race I voted for Obama. He promised to get rid of the patriot act and a lot of things that actually were important to me. They were WORDS. It turns out those words had no meaning. Most of the things that convinced me to vote for him he did 100% the opposite of what those words said. So the WORDS were a lie, or at the very least ended up being irrelevant. What matters is the ACTIONS.

So when Trump was running and everyone was terrified of his WORDS while Hillary actually has a large record of nasty ACTIONS all I could do was shake my head and slap my forehead.

I find myself defending Trump often. This is not because I am a Trump supporter. It is because I see the clear bias and the media trying very hard to regain its relevance. I see this as perhaps the first time in my life that the media did not essentially elect the president. I would say the magazine covers already prepared for Madam President that had to be scrapped, and the sheer panic and for awhile seemingly confused thrashing of the mainstream media when Trump was elected spoke volumes.

To me I see huge waves of propaganda being aimed at the emotion and feelings driven minds of the masses and continually dumping gasoline onto the fire. They are attempting to build up more fires as well.

I defend Trump due to the huge imbalance in facts, reason, and the clear propaganda onslaught.

I've always been anti-bully and anti-peer pressure. It didn't really matter to me in life who the target of the bullying or the peer pressure was. I didn't like the acts themselves.

What I see from the media appears to be massive peer pressure (aka propaganda) and bullying. It is truly unprecedented in history.

I also see speculation getting a headline, then people repeating it and then suddenly what began as speculation is being treated as truth.

I also know quite a lot about hacking and security of servers, it is a big part of my job. So I know the Russian hacking narrative is total B.S. and they are preying upon the masses that don't know how these things work and that only can view such things from the perspectives of shows like CSI, NCIS, etc where what they show isn't even close to reality, but it does make for a more interesting television show.

That is a lot of my driving forces behind when I write about politics. I thought since I do have new followers that are being recommended to me for my political commentary that you might at least like to know partially where I am coming from and why I may write about things from the angle that I do.

I should add that I am not a fan of socialism, or communism. I'll sometimes get into debates on those things here on Steemit. Yet they are civil and even though I have friends here on steemit that are fans of those things, we still manage to be friends and at least have mutual respect. That is another sign of the magic of this place.

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