Word Hijacking 2.0: Just who is a traitor, what is treason?

We hear and read the words traitor or treason thrown about with casual abandon these days. So just what is that word in historical concepts.

This is a continuation of my post from a little earlier today. If you haven't checked that one on yet you can do so by clicking HERE. That one introduces the concept of hijacked words, terrorist/terrorism, piracy, and talks about some things related to the prison system that I believe many people are unaware of.

I was going to stop there, but the word TREASON has been active again the past week:

In this day and age the news is FULL of any quote that can be taken out of context to vilify a target and paint them with the paint brush those than own the mainstream media want painted.

When you have a nation that is violating the law with abandon and the methods provided to bring those violations only lead to woe for anyone who attempts it, it takes a brave person to do the right thing.

I was raised and taught that a person that does the right thing in the face of adversity is a Hero.

A person who harms another, cheats, corrupts, and conspires is typically a criminal.

Yet the government and the one likely to be elected to the Presidency would have us believe that this man:

is a traitor. That he committed a crime, by reporting crimes. The avenues to do this through proper channels had been tested by others prior to him with VERY bad consequences for the whistleblower.

In reality blowing the whistle against a vastly superior adversary when there is no other feasible way to get the information out about crimes being committed is one of the most courageous things a person could do.

In this same world you can...

  • Violate ethics in such a way that you should be disbarred, criminally charged, and lose the rights to practice law.
  • Be involved in bribery
  • Commit conspiracy
  • Commit perjury (False Statements) with no repercussions
  • Commit mail fraud
  • Obstruct Justice
  • Destruction of Evidence, and falsify records
  • Disclose confidential information (Snowden is also a Traitor for this)
  • Remove classified documentation with authorization and retain that documentation.
  • Conceal government records
  • Tax evasion
  • IRS interference
  • Insure that the position that is supposed to oversee your department for corruption remains EMPTY the 5 years you hold that position, leaving you and your department completely open for fraud, and corruption.
  • Ignore and deny requests for security at embassies abroad that resulted in loss of life
  • Insider trading and collusion via conflict of interest appointments to positions of authority in organizations
  • Run a foundation that is raking in the money and not spending it at all where it claims to be. Funneling those funds (INCLUDING FOREIGN) into election process.
  • Colluding with officials in a political party to corrupt the election process and RIG it
  • Defrauding elderly people out of their homes on multiple occasions
  • Involvement in facilitation of drug trafficking. More likely the spouse in this case, but this person was likely very aware.
  • Involvement in removal by death of opponents and cover-ups.

Yet this is the person that is most likely to be out next president.

(If there is interest in sources for this material let me know. This is the tip of a gigantic iceberg. I've read and learned more than I possibly can remember. If you need to verify any of this I can point you in the right direction, but there is no QUICK way to verify it. You have to do actual research, but I could get you started if you feel the need).

In this backwards world we seem to live in today...

  • The criminal is now eligible for presidency, and the hero has many calling for his execution.
  • The patriot act seems designed to oppress its own people as opposed to do anything remotely patriotic.
  • What people say scares people more than what people do.
  • The Affordable Healthcare Act makes Healthcare Unaffordable and far less effective
  • No Child Left Behind actually is not actually opposite. It is more like "All children averaged".
  • Net Neutrality will take away your internet freedoms.
  • National Defense Authorization Act has riders that grant the president the right to execute U.S. Citizens without a trial

Now let's talk Donald Trump:

I am no Trump supporter and I do not plan to vote for either of the circus acts the media is force feeding us. There are several other options. NOT VOTING is one, then there are two far better choices in the form of Gary Johnson, and Jill Stein.

I needed to say that as there are some things about the reaction people are taking to Trump that come out of BACKWARDS land.

Trump at this point is this...

He has not held a political office... he is ALL TALK.

So you guys are terrified by words. Obama has beautiful words that even I voted for in 2008 and then he went on to do 100% the opposite of everything that convinced me to vote for him. WORDS are MEANINGLESS in political elections.

ACTIONS are what you should be afraid of.

HILLARY makes Donald Trump look like an amateur. If Donald Trump is a Demon, then Hillary Clinton is the Devil. She is one scary person, and yeah I'm pretty sure a lot of people in Washington are pretty scared of the Clintons and will do whatever they need to in order to appease them. (SPECULATION ON MY PART)

So you guys are terrified of a blow fish (yes I know they are poisonous) when Hillary is one big serpent.

GOOD NEWS: You don't have to vote for either of them. Your job if you were doing it correctly would be to vote for a representative. That is a PERSON, and INDIVIDUAL. It is not a TEAM.

BAD NEWS: Clinton is getting away with crimes no one else would get away, she is above the law. I see nothing but evidence she was already chosen as our president many months ago. The election is a farce. Trump scares you so much that you'll vote for Clinton do to his WORDS. If not for Trump she wouldn't stand a chance. Think about that.

Get to the point on Trump.

So the Russians are the likely source of the DNC email leak to Wikileaks that had NOTHING to do with Trump, but it did prove the collusion and corruption of the DNC and that Bernie Sanders stood no chance in a rigged nomination. The Russians found that. Why? Clinton is untouchable... she can commit crimes with impunity.

So Trump makes a comment about "Maybe the Russians can find the missing emails." and he is referred to as a traitor.

OUT OF context yes it can seem that way, IF you ignore all events that have been transpiring and focus on just that sentence.

Wikileaks report on the DNC already proves that the government will not do what needs to be done when it comes to Clinton. So if our government is SO CORRUPT that it shelters a criminal and will give them the most powerful position in our governance, why wouldn't someone look outside?

Our Government is out of control. We heavily destabilized the middle east, and Libya (which has a lot of Hillary's fingerprints on it) can be considered one of the final things that lead to ISIS.

If you are kidnapped and held inside of a house by an insane family would you not yell for help out the window, even if it is only your neighbor you dislike that can hear you?

The true traitor is likely to be your next president.

EDIT: Steemit.com went down right after I posted this, and I eventually went to sleep. My images were broken and I could not correct them until now.

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