Europeans have had enough of Islam and their so called Religion of Peace !

So you have seen like me today the new attacks in London ! The third attack in the last two months ! Seems that now we can expect more of the same to be coming at us on a daily basis now !!

Is this acceptable ? Who is to blame ? Muslims or more our government that seemingly have decided to turn our once peaceful lands into the killing fields similar to that of the Middle East !

I am linking for you fellow Steemians two seperate films which I think clearly indicate the problem in hand right now. They are two very different methods of expression.

The first a very emotional and angry one made by a certain Tommy Robinson that has taken it on himself to question the agenda and politcs of British Politicians and this suicidal death culture of Multicultural Neo Liberal dreamers.

this is a brutal hardhitting rant which I must say hits the nail on the head ! This must be one of the strongest videos i have seen which I think represents and mirrors the heavy and angry feelings that Europeans and cetainly British citezens must be feeling right now !!

the second video I am linking shows a most eloquent and extremely polite and composed exposition of the very same problem. But made by a Swedish member or parliament called Richard Jomshof , who represents the SD or Swedish Democrats, the far right party of Sweden.

this is a must see as frankly this guy really did a very nice and intelligent summary on the reality being faced right now in his more than troubled land, since they in their "greater wisdon " decided to become the sanctuary country of choice for most of the people heading north from the Mediterranean right now ! Due to the very generous welfare packages and standard of living being offered to them from this famously liberal and open minded people the Swedes !

Both of these men, in my opinion are right in their appraisal of the situation and the need for our governments to see finally that this dream of Muliticultural society has become a collective nightmare.

One which must be reversed and brought under control if the way of life enjoyed there for thousand of years can be preserved or even more saved from the scourge of death and abuse at the hands of these babrbaric backward thinking Muslims that feel we are their enemy while at the same time wanting to come and live in our lands !!

This is and should be seen for what it is, an invasion by a civilisation which can not and will not ever adapt or become part of our society. Instead it seems they will just change it to their own once they become the active majority. Which given the statistics on muslim births in relation to European births will not be more than two decades !!

We need to see what is coming and these two men are saying just this !! Time to listen to their honesty and stop labeling their courage to say that which alot of us now begin to feel as nothing more than racists or Nazis. Ridiculous really ! As seeing where we are this is not going to help us to come together and fight this common enemy which is radical Islam !

Well as my title states I think Europeans have had enough of Islam and if it continues like this with no serious and positive intervention by the people who supposedly are there to protect us, then the people of Europe will take things into their own hands, of that their is no doubt in my mind ! It will be a bloodbath and one which all muslims, good and bad will find difficult to escape as indeed they are surrounded with nowhere really to go !

I hope you will watch these two films and leave me your opinions and thoughts on this very imprtant issue down below in the comment section !

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