Abortion: Your body, your choice? Or is it the child's body that you are choosing for?

A fetus is just a lump of human cells, with the appearance of some primordial fish creature.

But does the lump of cells lack a survival instinct? The truth is that even individual bacteria cells, and perhaps even viruses, have some sort of "Must survive. Must make more of myself" instinct, however simple.

The genetic codes that are key to life, which exist in all life, make it clear, that unless the fetus is inherently suicidal, it will strive to survive. It will do what it can to live, from the time it's inside you, all the way until it's out of you, and has become an elderly human. This is the way of life. Evolution has not yielded creatures that strive to die. Life does all it can to live.

Does life's struggle to survive justify being pro-life?

As I said before, perhaps it is inherently suicidal. It is connected to the mother, is it not? If the mother considers this part of her body, and the mother says "It is ok for this part of me to die", then that should make it completely ok. But you still cannot deny that the child will eventually separate, and perhaps have a different opinion on whether or not it gets "amputated".

So then if the child would say "Don't kill me", does that make it murder? Certainly killing, at least.

But we kill every day without worry. We kill germs when we wash our hands, we kill more when we cook food, and of course, there is also the entire holocaust-esque enslavement of farm animals, and how we raise them as slaves, only to be slaughtered en-masse and become our food. If we can justify that, we can certainly justify abortion.

However, even if that alone does not justify abortion, then the existence of war does.

Yes, there are many who would say "War is a necessary evil". If you can say it in plain english, that phrase is "Killing people is sometimes ok." It is logically necessary to then think that abortions are sometimes ok as well.

Because governments are the masters of the citizens and soldiers, and they choose when war takes place, I would say that mothers are the masters of their body and their offspring, and they get to choose when abortion takes place.

We are not all vegan hippies, so allowing abortion, even if you think of it as unpleasant, might just be another necessary evil.

But is it even evil?

It's not exactly a secret that women have about two million eggs in them, from birth. Even having a period every month, we don't have any shortage of eggs. None at all. They are plentiful, and without end. And men? They have regenerating sperm. No limit at all either.

So in that case, we know that even if a woman does get an abortion, she can still have another child later in life.
There is no reason for anxiety regarding how precious life is, if our bodies are naturally able to have more children than we will ever be able to have.

But why would a person even want an abortion? Most likely, it's because they just don't want to have a kid, or they don't want a kid with the genetic code that they do. Maybe she got raped. Rapist DNA isn't something I want to have combine with my egg. I want to ensure that my child's DNA is extremely ideal. An intelligent, strong and courageous father is what I want my child to have.

I want to choose ideal genetics for my children. I want to choose which genes get passed on. That is the secret to evolution. I want an ideal mate.

This is the way of evolution. I will choose the future of the species on a small level, but to me, it's important. I won't allow myself to give birth to a baby that has the genes of a person who chose to be a rapist. That's just how it is, and most people should agree. There are plenty of deserving men who have excellent genetics and would make a much better father, and because I'm limited in how many children I can have in my life, I will make sure the children I produce have genetic qualities that I truly admire.

Of course, what if it's not rape? What if I'm just not ready, be it emotionally, intellectually, professionally, or financially?

You'd have to be mad to think I should have a child when I'm dirt-poor. I, and many other women, are on the path to success, as far as careers go. I won't end my budding career just for a child. It's more wise to wait until my life is well established, and then I will have my children. I will be able to truly care for them and show them more love if I can choose the time of their existence.

If I did end my career because of a child, I'd end up having to get two jobs or something, and it'd take time away from me taking care of my kids. Yes, I will end up failing to raise my kids properly, because I'll be too busy with other jobs. If I have a kid, I want only one career to worry about, and I want to make sure I'm in good with the company I work for, so I can have flexible hours, so that I can make sure my kid is raised in a happy, healthy and intellectually stimulating manner.

I want kids that make the future a better place. Not half-rapist, lonely kids who don't have a mother in their life, or if they do, a depressed mother who was forced to give up on her dreams. Kids shouldn't be exposed to the concept of "giving up on their dreams" until much later in life, don't you agree?

Abortion is nothing more than giving yourself time to develop your own self better, so the child you finally do have is healthy, smart, happy and taken care of by parents who will be happy to raise the child, rather than feel forced to raise the child, just because the state is pointing a gun at their head, forbidding abortion.

Well, I feel a bit flip-flopped now. I had started this essay to condemn abortion, but after an honest, logical analysis, it seems that society as it is should favor the freedom to have abortions. Do you agree? Disagree? Tell me your thoughts in the comments.

I did try to stay away from traditional feminist arguments, and I also stayed far from religious arguments.
I wanted to focus on science and logic here, as well as unbiased arguments that our society uses to excuse other acts of killing. Tell me your opinions please!


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