Understanding The Importance and The Real Roles Of Witnesses.

A lot of interest has arisen lately about Witnesses.

Well, I expect a lot of that to drop once we start seeing the market push Crypto prices back up and people start popping the bubbly when seeing all the money that they are making.

However, this doesn't change the need to better understand things!

So rather than go into all the definitions etc, I shall supply a link to a perfect dead straight forwards definition of what a Witness is:

This link has been put together by @someguy123.

So when you finish with this post, go ahead and take a read of this link.

What I shall attempt to do here is to present it graphically using something that is pretty much well known to most of the democratic world.

Parliament, Senate or what ever else you wish to call it.

For those who are not familiar with how parliaments are set up, here are some pictures to help out:

seats in parliament 1.jpg

So here you see the parliament with all its seats etc.

For the purpose of this here post I shall use the first graphic and try to relate it to us Steemians and our democracy.

seats in parliament.jpg

So, lets start making this make sense.

See that table in the middle, lets make that the company, Steemit. Inc.

steemit inc.png

Now come all us Steemians.


and then there are the TOP 20 witnesses who do all the wheeling and dealing with Steemit Inc. in the name of us Steemians.

top 20 1.png

The TOP20 do not produce all the blocks in our blockchain, they produce most of them.

The next 40 witnesses produce a big chunk of the blocks too, so lets add them too.

top50 1.png

and then come the rest of the witnesses who make chicken feed, but more importantly a speakers stand where all representatives of their voters can have their say and make suggestions and so on.

After all we pride ourselves with freedom of speech, we pride ourselves on equality of all individuals, from the minorities to those who represent the majority.

So this is how the above parliament schematic would look for us here on The Steem Blockchain.

Steem Witness Forum.jpg

So there we go, we can compare this to any democracy out there.

Oops, except for the fact that we do not have a speakers stand:

Steem Witness Forum no speaker stand.jpg


top20 and steemit inc reality.png

So we are far from being a democratic society but we are heading there!

Baby steps, but we are getting there.

Hopefully this example of a parallel case of democracy in action, that comes from real life helps better explain what some of the witnesses here are trying to achieve.

Sure, the "governmental" system in place suits those who run the show and rake in all the money, but things have to change if we want to see a future for everyone here!

I seriously do not know of one single regime that has ever been able to beat democracy and freedom of speech!
Well, some have, but they have also destroyed everything they touched!

Thanks for reading.

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