President Jerry Banfield?

president jerry banfield rushmore.png

Will we create President Jerry Banfield in the USA because we are ready to face what is wrong and start doing something about it together?

At 22 years old while working in prison as a juvenile corrections officer in South Carolina, I wrote an ego fantasy plan to become president which looked ridiculous even to me when I faced reality. Ten years later I had lost all interest and hope in our political system's ability to help us adjust our way of living to be in balance with the rest of earth. In every presidential election since 2004 I have voted for the loser and gave up any desire to participate in the process last year.

Recently the idea of running for president has returned except it feels more like receiving a text message from earth instead of pursuing an ego fantasy. In arguing with the idea because it is illogical and inconvenient, it has grown stronger. Comments saying "I would vote for you as president" and "Jerry Banfield for President" are continuing to appear more frequently and are helping me see that maybe becoming president is necessary.

After some quick research, I have confirmed this body is eligible to run as president in 2020 and every year thereafter in the USA because the requirements of age, birth, and residence are all met. For money, running as an independent write in will eliminate the need to file 99% of the paperwork. Asking for upvotes on Steemit as a way to support the campaign financially will remove the need to take money directly.

Spending money on ads that promote President Jerry Banfield will also be effective in selling online courses allowing for everything to be a business expense. My wife @laurabanfield is an attorney that can help handle any legal issues while any follower online can volunteer to help with getting access to their home state ballot.

The best part is there is no pressure to win because nothing is lost by trying! If every election is lost until death, at least an effort was made? Just winning one election might make all the difference in the world.

Starting today I am announcing my intention to become President Jerry Banfield in the USA!

Will we create President Jerry Banfield because are ready to show the love, hope, and faith are what we believe in?

Jerry Banfield

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