A Rant Against My Hillary vs. Trump Facebook Feed

You know what won't change after the election?


You'll still have your same biases and get your information from the same sources which are crafted to give you your same opinion. You'll hate the same things and love the same things. You'll follow the same leaders because of the same tribalism. You'll be afraid of the same things.

You know what could change today?


Starting with you and whatever book you start or conversation you have with the intention of learning something new and changing your opinion (or at the least refining it). You matter more to yourself, your family, and your communities then any political "leader" ever will.

Think outside your box. Challenge yourself. Start with things you "know" are true but many other smart people disagree with. Read, learn, and grow.

You matter more than you realize.

(I posted this to Facebook a couple hours ago because my feed was becoming ridiculous. It seems to have struck a nerve, so I'm sharing it here as well.)

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