The Loop: Why Voting and Revolutions Don't Work

I love this image:


(Loop by Pawel Kuczynski)

To me, this image summarizes what's so wrong with most of the political talk these days. Princeton did a study which argues the United States is an oligarchy, not a constitutional republic (and certainly not a democracy). Voting in someone new won't fix the problem. The "revolutionaries" who understand how useless voting can be don't seem to realize any attempt to overthrow the government will just lead to new rulers. The real problem, as I explained here, is the myth of authority. We have to change our thinking before we can change our world.

If you like this picture as much as I do, please check out the author's website and purchase a print from their incredible collection. Unfortunately for me, my wife won't let me hang one on the wall. :)

While we're talking about my favorite anarchist-flavored images, I have to highlight this magnet I got at PorcFest while hanging out with Larken Rose:


Do you get it? And no, Larken has nothing against wooden measuring devices. If you want to pick up stickers, magnets, or shirts with this image, head over to

I hope you enjoy these as much as I do.

Are there other works of art which really capture an idea for you?

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