Julian Assange Is No Longer Being Hunted By Sweden But Freedom Still Evades Him.

Twists within twists

Sweden has finally dropped its rape detective case into Julian Assange. There was a photo of him on Twitter today smiling from ear to ear. The Swedish prosecutors said this was because they had exhausted all ways to try and investigate him, so they were obliged to discontinue the investigations.


Still in refuge

Assange is still in refuge within the Ecuador's embassy in London at a cost to the British taxpayer of £11 million over the last 3 years. The Swedish government has denied that the investigations were dropped due to cost.

But his refuge must continue on as the UK government has issued a statement on the issue saying that the warrant for his arrest is still outstanding from a failure to appear in court in 2012.

It is clear that Assange still fears extradition to the United States even though the route through Sweden has been extinguished. It'll be interesting to watch these cat and mouse games that the UK and US government play with him over the coming years ... stay tuned!


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