Julian Assange: The Pale Faced Man Who Lives In A Small Room With No Sunlight.

Small victories

Since being cleared of all charges in Sweden, Julian Assange is still being confined to a small room with no access to sunlight. He has succumbed to illness from time to time due to this, but still the authorities deny him access to doctors or a hospital. His dark humour and strong ethos is a lesson to us all. He was asked recently how he put up with his 24-7 confinement: "It sure beats a supermax!" was his smart reply.

And still the show goes on. It is not over, but slowly unwinding. The UN working group on arbitrary detention ruled last year that Assange has been detained unlawfully by the British authorities. This is international law at its finest. Or not.


The UK and Sweden both took part in a 16 month long UN investigation that had lawyers going back and forth over the issues as they defended themselves to the max. Still they were found guilty.

The British Metropolitan Police have recently issued a statement saying the arrest of Assange still stands as they still believe he is a threat to the greater London public. But if he did surrender what would happen? Within two minutes his extradition papers to the US would be fulfilled.

If the UK Government (my own government) allows this to happen, then in the eyes of the world it should be shamed as an accessory to war crimes. It should be tarred as the same rampant power against freedom and justice that started it all. Who knew it would all end in such a small room with no sunlight? Let us all hope that is not the final endgame.


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