Meet The Deep State – America’s Liberty Obliterating Machine.

Beware TPTB!

The Powers That Be (phrase)

TPTB now have control of world media, the banking system, major intelligence services, most of the resources, and the transportation systems. The idea that Trump was deliberately made POTUS may be true, but this doesn't have to be for their plans.

There are enough Deep State personnel in the government of the US to prevent him from doing the will of the Americans that elected him. Even the dismissal of Comey has done nothing new.


Empire Sachs

There are too many Goldman Sachs insiders within the Trump Administration for this to be a coincidence. Goldman Sachs has their people everywhere these days, and they are among the most visible members of the army of those that do the bidding of TPTB.

Chaos in developed nations seems to be one of the goals before the collapse of the world economy is triggered.

Chaotic conditions in most parts of the world are growing all the time. There is an old saying: "In chaos there is opportunity." That the bloated and bubble-strewn financial world hasn't failed spectacularly in the last twenty years is a good sign that 'They' can keep it going until 'They' are ready to bring it down.

Perhaps all the pieces are not yet in place for a replacement system to warrant triggering the collapse yet.

What is a worse thought for me is what TPTB will do with the half of humanity (or more) that are rapidly becoming irrelevant to them on this planet.

They have drained what little wealth and real assets that they could from this segment of humanity. Automation and robotics will replace them as a workforce completely within another decade.

Valuable resources are being consumed by this irrelevant portion of the population and staggering amounts of waste are being produced by the same group. Based on research that is being done in multiple locations world wide in certain fields of DNA science, I suspect that one or more carefully tailored viruses are being prepared to 'deal' with this problem.

Pandemics are an easy way to eliminate vast numbers of people without the mess and fuss of nuclear warfare. And, by targeting certain racial and/or ethnic groups, the chaos can be suppressed at the same time.

The signs are all there. Technology has reached the correct levels in the right fields. Preparations are being finalized. Most of the pieces of the system to replace the current one are in place. It's only a matter of timing at this point.

Personally, I will remain;

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