Robert Mueller is the only one who can stand on Trump's tail, but it seems only the voters can finish him off.

The twists and turns of Trump

Yet another day of the Trump presidency, and I awake to another Trump scandal. This time it's the Washington Post revealing that President Trump is going to be under investigation for obstruction of Justice.

For many onlookers, Special Counsel Robert Mueller decision to oversee Trump's presidential conduct sees a major shift in the scandal.

The old charge of the obstruction of justice was the undoing of many former presidents including Nixon and Clinton. The Washington politicians don't like the crime - it's the cover up that stinks to them. Special counsels have a habit of not getting to the root cause of these investigations but on nullifying their effects.


Rumbling on ....

The Trump Russian scandal has rumbled on for some time now - the TV stations love this kind of Trump fodder. They love the idea that he fired Comey to obstruct justice from doing its thing.

It's well know that Presidents can't be prosecuted in the normal courts of law. Impeachment is the only other option, and this is always a political act and never a judicial one. Congress by its very nature has always decided who should be impeached with its two thirds majority. Here there are no standards and Trump should expect no mercy from them.

It appears for now though that Trump has enough support within the Republican base that supports him. As of now there appears to be no appetite to impeach him fully ... yet!

I predict yet more twists and turn in this Trump-Russian soap opera, with a Congressional end of season cliff-hanger perhaps?? As long as we keep our eye on the Republican base, there should be no more major twists until the 2018 Congressional elections next year. Stay tuned for more twists and rumblings.


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