The Rise of Political Correctness In The Modern Age.

Politically correct or politically direct?

My Steemian friends,

I don't know how the situation is at the place/country that you were born in, but where I live we have been taught to respect cultures and foreign people. More than respect we were just told to treat them the same way we would treat one of our own.

It is in the character of my country and also the people themselves to be quite straight-forward and phlegmatic. This means that everybody could say his opinion and people would actually listen to it, agree/disagree with it or just ignore it.


The age of PC

Recently however my country has experienced a 180° turn. We have come to a society, where simple the emotions and feelings of certain individuals or a certain group stand above the reality of all others.

This is not even about opinions anymore. It is in the nature of opinions to be subjective. They are with no doubt personal and nobody is obliged to listen to them. But how can we call ourselves a free society if we accept the denial of the reality and call it "Political Correctness"?

I would also like to talk about the kind of political correctness that is experienced in America today. Trump boasts himself to be against political correctness and to be anti-establishment. From what I can see Trump is not the kind of guy you usually find in the political fruit basket.

I tried to watch some of his speeches, but the only things I could see were pointless bear baiting against the minorities or people on the left. Many of the claims he made during his speeches were based on fake facts and they could be debunked soon after. The paradox itself is when you claim to be against someone who is lying and you argue by lying again.

Just because someone really wants to believe something it does not make it automatically true. If this was the case I'd be very rich by now.

You can find the same situation when you observe some feminists who often like to breed in the left corner of the political spectrum. They may be for freedom of speech, but a slight mentioning of the wage gap is often enough to trigger them to infinity. Even though this is quite fun, it will not lead us to a good conversation.

So to summarize: We find ourselves in a world where continuously feelings and believes disguised as political correctness overshadow facts and limits our freedom of speech. Political correctness or political directness? Choose wisely!


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