There’s Something To Be Said About The Anarchist’s Affinity For The Working Class.


It is well known that anarcho-syndicalism says that class warfare and organised struggle are the modus operandi of the modern day anarchist. If we look to the libertarian left we see a deep love for the working class man.

But let us not discount the many anarchists today that seem to be advancing into the lower middle class. There is also the fact that not all anarchists will make their career in blue collar roles - I myself ( @mindhunter) have been a white collar worker all my life, but I still class myself as an anarchist. This confuses a lot of my blue collar friends (including my parents!)


Waves of austerity

The first thing that us anarchists worry about is when the government austerity occurs. How it will it affect the working class? Nearly every government cut will affect the working class (defence is an exception). The recent tax credits changes in the UK for example will leave many working class families in debt as inflation rises and Brexit beckons. In Manchester alone, 1 million people are classified as being in extreme poverty.

This always gives the man in the street an excuse to link up and chat with an anarchist. Many of my own friends struggle with government cuts on a daily basis, and they ask me how to trade forex and Bitcoin etc. I always quote the 10,000 hour rule to them - including recently to @candygirl420 who asked me to train her in forex trading!

Finally, all you need to know is in which EU country the latest cuts are, and you have an instant conversation starter with any working class man in that country. They'll shout their mouth off about the latest cuts, and you'll have yourself a new bosom buddy within seconds! Don't overdo it though, or they might get too excited! Time for a cup of tea now I think ....


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