Theresa May Tells The EU That Is Has To Pay Its Share Of The Brexit Bill.

Divorce blues

The British Prime Minister Theresa May has suggested that the EU should pay its own 'divorce' bill for Britain's share of its EU assets.

May says that the UK's financial interest in the European Investment Bank should be taken into account when the first negotiations take place about the first Brexit payments.

Some reports have said the divorce bill could be as high as 100 billion Euros from Britain's side. In an interview with The Sunday Times last weekend, May said that the UK's previous payments must be taken into account in any divorce settlement.


Stalemate blues

It appears May believes there is still a lot of debate about what the UK's obligations will be. It is plain to see she still wishes to retain the $10 billion share in the European Investment Bank.

David Davis a famous Tory has also told the Sunday Times that he might walk away from any negotiations if the EU refuses to discuss a trade deal prior to Britain agreeing to pay the Brexit bill.

To be honest, I can see these Brexit negotiations turning into a quagmired stalemate by 2019, and Britain walking away from the table if any deal is not to its liking. The ego of our old Empire is sure to appear.

I certainly don't envy the new Prime Minister who wins the general election next month i.e. the one who must start the mucking out this EU quagmire. Thank God I'm writing this article on vacation overseas and will miss all that election fervour and torment! Happy elections ole' Blighty!

Right, back to my non-EU Piña colada ... have a nice day wherever you are in the world! ....


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