Trump Visits The Holy Land - And No Mention Of The Two State Solution To The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

Old problems, old solutions

During his meetings with both Israel and the Palestinians this week, US President Donald Trump failed to mention the two-state solution put forward by other countries including the UK Government etc.

Trump has pledged his support for the peace process, but told the Palestinian Authority (PA) that peace cannot take root with a terrorist organisation wielding such considerable political power.

In his meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week he discussed peace with no mention of the two-state solution. This is plainly something that Israel does not want to exist.

As the bigger brother in these peace talks you can tell their ego does not want to budge an inch - so we are stuck in this endless circle of violence. Sadly this is the only solution left on offer.


A divided capital

Jerusalem was not discussed either as both parties claim it entirely for themselves. It is is still a city very much divided. Both parties want to have it as their own capital city - both Arabs and Jews.

It appears Trump is being non-committal and is happy with either a two state solution or a one state solution. He is almost indifferent to it all.

Like Trump I was here to celebrate Jerusalem Day as it celebrates the 50th year of Israel's reunification of the city after the Six-Day war in 1967.

It is plain to see that the Palestinians are ready to reach for peace, but it all depends on what the big brother Israel really wants to do at the end of the day. This stalemate should not be allowed to continue on indefinitely.


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