We Can't Allow The Young Victims Of Manchester To Die In Vain.

Nothing ever comes of violence

Our first thoughts after the Manchester attacks are hard to fathom: what goes through the minds of the killers?

It appears that one of the answers seem to be simple. The terrorists appear to engage in these acts because they believe it might work. And they think this is right.

Terrorism is evil and sickening. Some terrorists think that their cause is so noble that they don't care what happens to them, let alone to others.

They do what they do as they think their life might be worth it. They take the deaths of others with them thinking it has meaning. In fact it is this calculation that make it all the more sickening.


Yet more bag searches

All these bag searches at UK airports and all over the streets of Manchester are here to stay for now, but can all of these soldiers and security people really work?

All they do is simply push the terrorists elsewhere. For example in Israel, once the suicide bombers were curtailed they moved somewhere new i.e. to a new niche of fatal stabbings instead. Nature abhors a vacuum, so terrorists are always looking to mutate their modus operandi.

We must maintain this absolute insistence that these young girls in Manchester did not die in vain. We must show the terrorists that we will not be moved by their callous acts.

The final fact is this: the only defence we have against these terrorists is resistance and defiance until they stop. Sadly that is the only option we have.

God bless all the the people of Manchester and the victims families.

Stay alert wherever you are in the world!


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