How in the world did it come to this?

Somehow out of over 300 million people in America, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were the only “real options” that we were given. No wonder people get frustrated when thinking about or dealing with politics.

How many US citizens are now contemplating leaving the country because Trump was elected? How many would have left if Clinton would have been elected? When Obama was elected, people left as well.

How is this possible that the American people find the presidential options to be so repulsive that they would actually leave the country over it? Though I wasn’t alive for much of the US history, I have a hard time believing that things were always like that.

Have things really gotten to the point that if the “other” candidate wins the rest of us had better flee the country?

First of all, I think that both mainstream candidates for president were horrible options. If a third party ever stood a real chance at making any headway, this would have been the year. But, it really is a two-party system, and the same puppet master may be making both sides dance.

I think that it is basically a form of tribalism, where the people are encouraged to fight among themselves so that they will leave those in control alone. It is almost like there is a political war going on between the American people.

This type of reaction to election results also show how much inappropriate power we have allowed those in the presidential position to have. The US is not a Democracy but a Constitutional Republic. A system of checks and balances are contained within the design of that form of government with the ultimate check and balance being the citizens.

The legislative branch is supposed to write and pass the laws and the judicial branch is there to interpret and exercise the laws that have been passed. The job of the executive branch is to implement and enforce the laws.

Unfortunately, a lot of unconstitutional activity goes on in the government these days. Once we allow that kind of power abuse, we allow the government to take control of us and then become rightly concerned about incredible tyranny, because we have allowed it.

The people used to be their own line of defense against tyranny in the government. If they found the legislature and the judicial branch to be passing bad and interpreting “bad laws” that they did not agree with, when it came time to put people of trial for breaking for those laws, the jury would use jury nullification to prevent oppression. By voting “not guilty” the jury could dismiss the case by nullifying the law, rendering it invalid.

That was huge in the system of checks and balances that we are supposed to have.

Some of the recent responses to the election results makes me wonder if anyone out there knows what the actual job of the president is.

Personally, I did not cast a vote for president this year.

I have voted in many elections, but for multiple reasons, I didn’t bother this year.

One reason is that I knew that Clinton and Trump were the only real “options” that we had, and I honestly did not feel good about supporting either of them with a vote. I know that nobody is perfect, but some people demonstrate that better than others, and perhaps these candidates are prime examples of that.

Another reason that I did not vote for president is that I have serious trouble believing that the votes actually matter. We all have probably heard a plethora of theories about the corruption of the voting process in the US, and I think that some of what we have heard is not only possible, it’s plausible.

One good example would be the Gore-Bush election of 2000. Somehow we had a recount of the votes in Florida, and suddenly Bush was the president-elect instead of Gore. WHAT?!?!? If they counted them wrong the first time, what makes us think that they did any better the second time?

The electronic voting machines are supposed to eliminate human error, but they can supposedly be hacked or programmed to give out whatever results are desired, plus, they conveniently remove the paper trail as well.

So, from the perspective of one who had trouble believing in the legitimacy of presidential elections, what’s my take on the results? First, I was completely surprised that Trump was crowned as the winner. I figured that Clinton would be given the position for sure.

If we conclude that the elite pick the next president rather than having the next president be determined by a voting process, what reasons could there be for a Trump “victory” in this election?

First off, many have speculated that Obama will institute martial law before the end of his presidency. If Clinton was going to be his successor, such a move would not make as much sense. However, with Trump’s presidency looming on the horizon, Obama could attempt to make such a move and be seen as a hero to many.

Hopefully it never comes to that, but if martial law was the goal, I think it could make more sense to have Trump be the president-elect.

Another potential reason to put Trump in the oval office next would be the response that has been caused among Clinton supporters. These are volatile times with tensions escalating. The media is feeding us terror and propaganda so fear and emotions are running wild. By having Trump win the election and encouraging emotion-filled propaganda on mainstream and social media, they are really kicking a hornet’s nest.

Now, anyone with a different political view that ours is the enemy. They are all haters and bigots and since it is appropriate to hate the haters, we had better!

Basically, I'd recommend that we all be paying close attention to what's going on. Ignorance is only bliss for those who want you to be ignorant.

For the record, I am not a Democrat, and I am not a Republican. As I said earlier, I did not even cast a vote this year. In times past, I once voted for Obama. Another time I voted against Obama. Believe me if you want, and hate me if you want, but can choose not to hate you in return.

You are not the real enemy. (Neither am I.)

Also, though I may not like the idea of Trump or Clinton being the president, I'm still willing to give them a chance to prove my concerns to be irrational. We will see, time will tell.



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