The Time and Place for Humanity


They say that there is a time and a place for everything...

And yet is it not funny yet sad that such for humans appears to be every time and every place?

Why do we have an obsession with making such grabs for our planet? If its not her surface then its her resources. If its not her resources then its the many species that also inhabit her, all of which are scarcely afforded an afterthought unless they happen to be attractive and driven as near extinction as our collective consciousness can tolerate.

Where will it all end?

When will we say enough?

When will we evolve to redefine our relationship with this planet Earth - a delicate sphere and bubble of atmosphere travelling through the great vastness of space in our little corner of the universe?


Yes. Sure. "Its nothing to do with me." - I hear you say, likely oblivious to your participation within the human "rat race".

And yet, like way too many of us, you likely carry on with life, struggling to get by and wondering why this is so.

Our inferior collective perspective of our relationship with this World is a real aspect of why this is so... and one need only glance at the industry-serving policy and collective idolization of unsustainable population growth to get a taste of how backwards our relationship is.

It is a real issue - and it even affects our individual personal worth as quality gives way to quantity. As we buy into the ideals of the ruinous idea that population growth is good - we serve to further diminish our individual worth as each increment in population size brings us collectively closer to pest status.

And what do humans do with species deemed pests? Just ask the rabbits and the badgers for a clue. Its not pleasant.

Unlike animal species, the human species is supposedly capable of using rationale to make the best choices - but the sad truth is that our channels of rationale have been hijacked by self-serving minority interests that hold no qualms about the well-being of the rest of us (so much so that it may very well be the case the elements among them might be engineering population-control (disaster) events (I really hope that those of us who believe such is occurring are mistaken - its not the way to go about fixing the issue).


But the truth is that we 'can' do better as a species. We can use our gifts and our talents to better the lot of both ourselves and this planet.


... you and I will have to pursue such paths alone at first.

I know first-hand that waiting to gather a team just doesn't happen.

Its fine for the first steps to be small. For as long as steps are taken - the stride matters not.

Like myself, you have to believe in the power of one.

You will need to believe in yourself.


This is meant to spark a discussion.

I really enjoyed the discussion sparked by the previous post. We get to learn so much from each other.

So - how do you feel about our place in this World, both as persons and as a species?

Where should we even begin in aspiring to better this World that can seem so great and yet so small?

Also if you found this post interesting and would like to share this with your friends then a resteem couldn't hurt.

If you 'didn't' like this then feel free to share your views in comments. A civil conversation can go a long way.


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