How to Make Your Very Own, Legally Binding Constitution

Today I had a revelation: You know what this community really needs in order to protect their freedoms? A Government! Run by me!

Well, Steemit, I am here to tell you that I am your ruler and I am your saviour, and I have the constitution to prove it!

I the person of Steemit,

in order to form a more perfect social network, establish JUSITCE, promote the general WELFARE, and secure the blessings of LIBERTY to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution.

In order to establish and protect your rights, I have been given special rights by God to tax you and kill you when necessary. ...or when I feel like it.

In order to secure your freedoms, I must rule over you.

Obey or else you will be kidnapped or killed.

There it is, folks: a legally binding constitution.

I am now your rightful king.

I will reign over you and your children and your children's children for as long as my line shall last. As such, you owe me 10% of all future Steemit rewards and a 5% back tax on all rewards before I claimed my throne. See, I'm a gentle ruler. I won't over-tax you because I'm a good guy. This is what good government looks like!

I expect to see deposits in my Steemit wallet every day by 7:00 PM EST or I will send my thugs royal guards to punish you enact justice

How to make your own constitution:

Since I am a good and generous king, I'm going to tell you my secret; how I made this happen. This is the same tried and true recipe used by our illustrious founding fathers, so listen up!

Step 1: Write it down

This is the stage where you can get all your great leadership ideas in order. 

Step 2: Give it some pomp and circumstance

What is government without image, show, and ceremony? Your constitution should reflect the self-importance that's necessary for government to function. Give it a little bit of life!

Step 3: Sprinkle it with magical fairy dust

This step is crucial! Without magic, no human being can possible gain the right to rule over another human being. This step is the difference between a worthless piece of paper and a binding law. 

...But YOU can't make YOUR OWN constitution

I may have taught you how to do it, but it's too late. I already established my government. I am the ruler. If you try to establish your own government it will never be seen as legitimate because I was here first! Don't usurp my throne. I'll come after you.

Remember, you all owe me taxes at 7:00. Don't test me.


  • Today is the last day to enter my Portrait Giveaway. So if you want a free, hand-drawn portrait of you or a loved one, please enter.
  • New to Steemit? Check out my Animated Informational Video that explains the ins and outs of voting power. 

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