The Candlelight Revolution in Korea of 2016


One year ago, there was a revolution in Korea ousting President Park Geun Hea.
Finally she was impeached from president through the constitutional process.

At that time I took the photos of demonstration. People gathered voluntarily despite of cold weather. The winter of last year was the one of the coldest in recent years.

The demonstration was held peacefully.

Here I’d like to share the photos I took at that time to feel the fever of people to make our society better place.

People was gathering at the main street in front of the Blue House, the President's Office


Policde made the barrier with the Buses to protect the President's office.

The main street was full of People.

It was a festival rather than a demonstration


People was sitting on the street to the late night

It was a Victory of common people.

I 'm proud of being together with them.

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