ORIGINAL POEM: Concrete Wall

I found myself on a dirt trail
Walking gracefully like a bride behind a white veil
Mesmerized by the gorgeous growths rooted in dull ground
Winding and wrapping around large pillars within the dirt, bound
Sprouting images of color and love
The ever reaching blue above
Puffs of floating gray
Mimicking clouds at play
Entranced by the scenery and setting
I bump into vines bouncing me back like netting
The trail ends, sudden, abrupt
Gray peeking through the green stems, disguised and corrupt
In front of me stands a great, concrete wall
Up it I hesitantly climb and crawl
I look out and see a city stretching out as far as I could see
Bodies dragging along the sidewalk, tiny like fleas
Large skyscrapers, brick apartment buildings, the rich living next to the poor
The unemployed mother, the entrepreneur
Factories emitting the smoky figures I once perceived as pure

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